Friday, May 8, 2009

Limoncello - How Sweet It Is

This is our third blog post in the Limoncello series. The series began when we harvested Meyer lemons from our growing grounds here at the lanikai green house. Kathe then put the lemon zest in a special mix of alcohol for a long bath.

Bath time is over! Kathe removed the lemon zest. She set a strainer over a bowl to catch any alcohol drips.

During the past four months, the alcohol has extracted all of the yellow out of the lemon zests. The essence of all those lemon zests has turned the clear alcohol yellow.

About this time Socks made an appearance in the kitchen. It was time for his mid-morning feeding.

Kathe then prepared a simple syrup with four cups each of sugar and water. It was heated, for at least 7 minutes, to fully dissolve the sugar and then cooled to room temperature. The alcohol was strained to remove any fine lemon zest particles and then mixed with the sugar syrup.

In direct violation of Kathe's recipe, which says that the sugar syrup and alcohol should blend for a while before tasting, we decide to have just a wee bit. I thought it seemed to have more lemon aromatics than the last batch. Kathe thought the last batch had more lemon taste. Both of us could be right. Alas we are just going by memory since the old batch is long gone.

Once the mixture has melded for a week, we will taste the new batch again (and maybe again) to see what what we think.

I brought over two bottles from the last batch and Kathe had a few more, including one limoncello bottle that they brought back from Italy. She then sterilized the bottles with boiling water before filling them with Lanikai Meyer Lemon Limoncello.

cin cin!